Monday, July 9, 2012

Wellaware Systems

Motion sensor technology that learns the daily activity patterns and sends alerts to caregivers about changes in patterns.

GE- Connect

The device is tablet and it is used for seniors to perform “daily check-ins” at senior communities.  In addition, the senior community can control the content shown on the device, similar to a Community Television Channel.

GE- Link

This is a pendant based system that connects the senior with an operator at the push of a button.

GE- Guide

This is a mobile app that connects seniors with their caregivers.  Services include: Vital Sign Monitoring, Multimedia Educational Library, and Reminders.

GE- Quiet Care

This is a system of motion detectors installed in a dwelling unit that stores and monitors daily activities and notifies caregivers of changes in patterns.


Dakim is a brain fitness software program.